viernes, 6 de agosto de 2010

Organizational Behaviour


There are two topics in witch many cultures are defined by their level of collectivism or individualism. This topics are totally different and each one have their own characteristics. In individualist cultures, people are expected to develop and display their individual personalities and to choose their own affiliations. In collectivist cultures, people are defined and act mostly as a member of a long-term group, such as the family, a religious group, an age cohort, a town, or a profession, among others.

The nations who are more individual, tend to be self- centered and their idea is to reach their personal goals. In order to their enviroment they prefer to use"i" such as the main individual to solve a problem. People in individualistic cultures emphasize their success/achievements in job or private wealth and aiming up to reach more and/or a better job position.

The nations that belong more to the collectivism characteristic, usually solve their problems having diferent opinions, forming a team. They prefer to use "we" in order to be more effective and productive. They are more willing to receive different points of view for any issue, their level of comprenhension and sharing with other people are higher.

pic taken from: (

1 comentario:

  1. You made an excellent explanation of Individualism Vs collectivism because you define well the facts that characterizes both parts of this specific cultural dimension, like in individualist nations people use “I” instead of a “we” like in collectivist nations.
